Helpful Hints- Training Formal and Informal
Helpful Hints- Training Formal and Informal
Formal and informal training:
There are many methods and techniques to training. My advice is that you find what works for you and no matter what method you use CONSISTENCY is the key. Have fun training! The book The Art of Raising a Puppy by the Monks of New Skete is a good resource for you to read though as you prepare.
I strongly encourage you to start looking into basic training obedience programs in your area. You shouldn’t begin anything in a group setting until all of the first puppy shots are complete at four months. If you start to look around now, then you will be set when you pup is old enough. Formal training is a wonderful way to bond with your dog, to learn how smart your dog is, and to have a well-mannered adult. Some pups pick up on things right away and don’t require much correction or reminders and others will make you work a bit more. They are just like children in that way. The rewards of a well-behaved friend are huge.
It really is critical that you establish boundaries and HELP TEACH basic obedience commands. Don’t assume that they “should know” this or that. They are looking to you to teach them. It is very rewarding to work with your puppy and you will be amazed how smart your puppy is when you give him/her the opportunity to show you what he/she is capable of doing. Remember, they require brain stimulation and have desire to please you. Help your puppy learn from right away.
You are “training” all of the time even when you don’t realize it. When you greet your puppy, bend down and DON’T let pup jump. A puppy seems harmless when they jump but you don’t want an adult jumping so start RIGHT AWAY. Also, offering chew toys and not playing “tug” games but rather fetch will help you to not raise a “biter”. Be decisive when correcting. A quick motion of grabbing over the muzzle where you wrap the side of the top lips over/around the teeth coupled with a verbal, “EEGH” can help them to know that you won’t have them bite. Be consistent. You can start with basic commands of sit, stay, down right away (8 weeks). I recommend short “formal” training sessions. Make sure it stays fun and don’t try to do too much at one time. If you are wanting to train your pup to come to their name, it is helpful to have a long LIGHTWEIGHT lead or rope so when you say their name and “COME” you can pull the lead and bring them to you for praise. Bryce and I highly encourage you to train your pup! All of these pups come from great lines and are certainly smart so they have potential to be fantastic adults. If you don’t set the boundaries and teach then you can’t expect the “perfect” dog. If you do help your puppy to learn what you desire and you make it fun and rewarding to “do what is right” then you can expect the perfect dog. Be consistent, enjoy and you will have a forever friend! There are basic training programs through many Community Education programs, 4-H is FANTASTIC for youth, check into pet supply stores, vets and most importantly with friends that have well behaved dogs for contacts in your area. Start with training in your home and then look into formal basic obedience programs outside your home and make a goal to get your STARR puppy award or your Canine Good Citizen award. It is fun to have a goal together.